Meeting The Challenges Of Growing Older —Fighting Back with Strategies That Work!
OsteoStrong has been featured in The Three Tomatoes, the insider's guide for women who aren't kids. Click the link below to visit the full article!
Let’s face it. As the years tick away, our health challenges increase. Did you know that every second of every day, an older adult suffers a fall in the US—making falls the leading cause of injury in this age group. Problems with balance, posture, and strength increase as we age and are at the heart of many debilitating issues for the mature woman. And how many of us are dealing with joint and back pain…and osteopenia or osteoporosis, most common in women over 50?...
OsteoStrong Park Avenue has proudly sponsored The Tomatoes Got Talent Show for Women Over 40, hosted by The Three Tomatoes. Find the full details below!